Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous District 16
Serving Alcoholics Anonymous in South Central Virginia
The purpose of District 16’s Website shall be to inform the District 16, District Groups and individual AA members of the benefits available from the District and Area Websites and to encourage its use. The Website Committee is responsible for finding the best price for services to enable the Website to exist.
Information on the Website shall include (but not be limited to):
District 16 Meeting Schedules;
Upcoming events
Links to GSO, Grapevine and the Virginia Area Committee;
Description of District Committees and their work;
Announcements; Local group events such as anniversaries, picnics and workshop and District 16 and Committee meetings.
All other events such as Richmond Intergroup, Tri-City Club and any other organization having events for the good of AA including but not limited to Al-Anon (as long as space is available).
Anonymity, as well as all other AA Principals and Traditions, will be observed on the website. Currently, all information presented follows GSO and VAC guidelines.
District 16 Website