Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous District 16
Serving Alcoholics Anonymous in South Central Virginia
The Treatment Committee coordinates the flow of information, meetings and activities that pertain to carrying the message of recovery to alcoholics in hospitals and in alcoholism treatment and rehabilitation centers.
The Treatment Committee shall encourage and assists the District Groups and individual AA members involved within the Treatment Committee’s area of concern.
Treatment committees are formed to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to alcoholics in treatment facilities, and to set up means of "bridging the gap" from the facility to an A.A. group in the individual's community.
Today many A.A. meetings take place in treatment facilities all over the world. Twelfth Stepping and sponsoring other alcoholics - where they are-has long been one of the most important and satisfying ways of keeping ourselves sober.
The Treatment Committee shall encourage the use of G.S.O.’s “Treatment Guidelines” and other G.S.O. literature at the District and Group level.
Please email our Treatment Chair to help carry the message into facilities or for more information.
Meeting Schedule
Poplar Springs, Petersburg
Tuesday @ 8pm
If you would like to help "Bridge the Gap" and bring your Experience, Strength and Hope, please contact our Treatment Chair to volunteer