Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous District 16
Serving Alcoholics Anonymous in South Central Virginia
District 16 Committee
The South Central District Committee of Alcoholics Anonymous is a service body and shall protect and respect the autonomy and the privilege of dissent of any AA Group in the District. The District shall be ever mindful of the ideals expressed in the Twelve Steps, the Twelve Traditions, the Twelve Concepts for World Service, and the AA Service Manual and shall strive to be the group conscience of District 16. The primary purpose of the District Committee shall be service. The Committee shall encourage all District Groups to participate in the business of the District and to support the District in its efforts to cooperate with the Virginia Area, the General Service Office and AA World Services.
The District 16 Committee meets the second Saturday of each month at 10:30am in the Tri-City Club.
To better understand the purpose of each member of the District Committee, please see the District 16 Service Manual located under "Service Links" on this website.
The General Service Representatives (G.S.R.s) of each group are the very foundation of our general service structure. Through your G.S.R., you can make your group’s voice heard at district meetings, at area assemblies, and eventually at the General Service Conference.
The District 16 Committee is comprised of General Service Representatives (GSR) from all groups within District 16 as well as a District Committee Member (DCM) who chairs the monthly meetings, an Alternate District Committee Member (ADCM) who supports the DCM, a District Secretary, and a District Treasurer. The District also maintains the Archives Committee, the VAC Website Coordinator and the District Events Coordinator positions.