Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous District 16
Serving Alcoholics Anonymous in South Central Virginia
The Newsletter Committee gathers articles and AA related announcements from the District Groups and individual AA members in order to publish a quarterly newsletter.
The District 16 Newsletter is published by and for the groups of the District 16 Area. Its purpose is to provide communication between the groups and to carry information to the groups about what is going on in the area as it concerns AA members.
The Newsletter will be published by the Newsletter Committee of District 16 on a quarterly basis.
Any AA member or group may submit articles. The articles must be written in the spirit of recovery, as determined by the Newsletter Committee. Articles submitted by persons other than AA members will not be accepted.
Announcements of upcoming events will be listed so long as space is available, in the following order:
Local group events such as anniversaries, etc.
District 16 events such as picnics, workshops, etc.
C. VAC events such as Assemblies and Conventions.
All other events such as Richmond Intergroup, Tri-City Club, REBOS, and any other organizations having events for the good of AA including but not limited to Al-Anon.
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Sober Voices September 2023
***NEW***--Please email our Newsletter committee to have your experience, strength, hope, stories and even jokes published in our quarterly newsletter!